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Donate with JustGiving

David Cooke

Age: 39

Reason to “Kill the Hill”: Want to break a mental block and overcome hip surgery and injury. Previously very active and out on hills and endurance runs a lot lost confidence following injury. Wanted to hold myself accountable and do it for a cause that did great work and really helped people. Also to help my own mental state following a few years of some quite dark times after leaving the Army

What are you most looking forward to: The exhilaration of waking up and seeing the sun rise over the mountains, the peace and sense of satisfaction knowing I am there taking in the mountain air and a once in the lifetime experience whilst being able to give something back by raising money for a good charity.

What are you least looking forward to: Nothing, I want the challenge; the highs the lows the laughs and everything in between

JustGiving Page:

Facebook Page:

Instagram Page: @davidpcooke

Interesting/Amusing fact about you: I’m neither amusing nor interesting
