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Joanne Pugh

Age: 48

Reason to “Kill the Hill”: My husband climbed Killi last year for the SPF and I was a little bit jealous, so when the opportunity came to climb to Everest BC came, it didn’t take much to twist my arm. It’s a once in a lifetime challenge for me especially as I reach a milestone birthday next year, and its all for such a good cause.

What are you most looking forward to: Meeting new people, challenging myself in ways I will never have experienced before and taking in the culture and scenery that Nepal has to offer. I am also looking forward to the various fund raising events that will be up and coming.

What are you least looking forward to: Leaving my family behind, I know I will get homesick, and being cold, I hate the cold!!

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Twitter Page: @joannepughxx

Instagram Page: @

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