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Richard Heyes

Age: 45

Reason to “Kill the Hill”: I took part in the Kilimanjaro world record event in 2015 and really wanted to do the last Everest trip for the SPF, but missed out due to work commitments. I always wanted to do another challenge for the SPF, love mountains so this one sounds perfect.

What are you most looking forward to: Travelling to somewhere new, stunning scenery and meeting the rest of the team.

What are you least looking forward to: Altitude sickness and the food on the climb, both of which made Kili really tough.

JustGiving Page:

Twitter Page: @Richardheyes

Instagram Page: @rickheyes1

Interesting/Amusing fact about you: I can Ski backwards, oh and I took part in the GWR game at the top of Kili...but i think I have already mentioned that.
