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Just Giving Awards - VOTE SPF!!!

Exciting news! The JustGiving Awards are back this November and  The Steve Prescott Foundation (SPF) are asking our supporters to vote for the SPF to become this year’s winner!

The JustGiving Charity of the Year award is an opportunity to showcase all of the amazing things the SPF has done, and to celebrate all of the hard work of everyone who has given their time, money and love to our charity. It also gives our supporters a chance to tell the world about the SPF and why it means so much to them!

Since the birth of the Steve Prescott Foundation in 2007, we’ve come further than we ever expected. The SPF was created to raise funds for The Christie,  The Rugby League Benevolent Fund (Try Assist)and go towards life changing research and projects  into pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP). This year, we’ve reached the fantastic Million pound milestone of donations to support our chosen charities and  the SPF Special Causes Fund all thanks to the SPF family! We are campaigning to get as many people as we can to vote for us. Just imagine how proud our inspiration Steve Prescott MBE , who passed away in 2013,  would be that the legacy he has left has come further than anyone ever imagined!

To vote you can click on this link: and search for 'Steve Prescott Foundation'

Thank you for your continued support of The Steve Prescott Foundation, and and for supporting the great man’s legacy. #TeamPrecky